Friday, November 18, 2011
I've MOVED! :)
Come by and see me, I've missed you guys.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Come Party #MILFF Style
Happy Friday everyone!
So if you haven't heard on Twitter, I am part of a #MILFF party. Now before you get all dirty thinking, #MILFF is a hastag created by Holly Pavlika from Big Fuel (@HollyPavlika) who lives in NYC. #MILFF stands for #MomsILikeToFollowFriday. We all tell each other who the other cool moms are on twitter and it has really been great for me to meet all these moms on Twitter I never would have if it hadn't been for #MILFF
Holly has reached 5,000 followers (which is insane in the twitterverse) and we are having a party to celebrate on Friday September 9th at 9pm EST. 9/9 at 9pm get it?
Here are some of the prizes you can win.;
"The BlackBerry Diaries: Adventures in Modern Motherhood","Shut Up and Eat: Tales of Chicken, Children & Chardonnay","Journey to the Darkside: Supermom goes home","The Secret life of Supermom"($20 VALUE EACH) - VITAMIN BLAST - 2 CASES OF WATER
Free Dora The Explorer growthchart for "liking" theBaby Ddrops Facebook page.
And because we all love our friends, you can also nominate your favourite MILFF in the #MILFF Contest! Use #MILFFqueen as the hashtag and a short (this is twitter after all!) reason why you are nominating them. The #MILFFqueen will win a $50 American Express Gift Card courtesy of Mom-entum & Big Fuel.
So make sure to tire out the kidlets and have them in bed by 9pm EST (sorry west coasters) and join some #MILFF's to part-ay! :)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Five Blogs I like to Follow Friday - #2
In an effort to ramp up my writing, I am forcing myself to write something no matter how small every day. I may not finish a post, but I will start one at least. (small steps, right?)
As you may or may not know, I bloody love reading other blogs. In fact, I think it can qualify as an addiction. I read tons and since this is the reason why I don't write more, I figured let's use this productively and write about the blogs I love to read.
The first five blogs I love to love are here Since there are so many more blogs out there but I want you to pace yourself, here are the next 5 that I love.
- The Journey Continues....... Heather Hamilton is a mother of 3, who has recently lost one of her twins Zack. Her story and posts make me cry and leave me in awe of how strong she is and how she has turned this event which has changed her life and her family's forever into something good, something positive and something that will make a difference. The charity she has set up on Zack's name Zack's Dream Room is raising money to make York Central Hospital a better place for kids and their families. Warning, do not read this blog if you sit in an open concept area at work, trust me and you will thank me later.
- Nic Nac Maniac Nerina has a gorgeous blog. It is like she has taken every romantic, frilly decorating idea I have ever had and put it in one place. Seriously, love it. She is so generous with her praise and support for other bloggers. You will get addicted, trust me.
- Beyond Post Partum As someone who suffered from PPD, I really wish I had found this blog in 2009. Amber is honest, supportive, and overall rational in the often irrational world of post-partum moms. If you ever meet a new mom, you must send her this blog. She reminds us to be kind to each other and most of all to ourselves and who doesn't need to be reminded of that once in a while, right?
- Listen to Lena Lena is gorgeous, funny and has some serious kick-a** eyebrows (I mean this in a good way :P ) As a new mom, I loved listening to her advice and reviews just in case I decided to get out of my sweatpants and look fit for public viewing. She breaks it down and even makes it seem easy for someone like me. Plus, she has THE best giveaways and who doesn't like free stuff?
- Lainey Gossip Ah Lainey, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I have been reading her celebrity gossip blog since the day it was a subscribe-only newsletter and I have been hooked ever since. When I read her blog I feel like I know her (which is the greatest compliment I can give to a writer), she has the best scoop, obsesses about fantasy celebrity pairings as much as I do, and refuses to report on "sad smut" i.e kicking someone when they are truly down à la Amy Winehouse. She uncovers the "business" behind Hollywood and makes you see just how manufactured everything is in that town.
So there you have it, my next 5 blogs. What do you think? Do you hate any of these? Let me know and if you have any you would like to recommend, feel free to let me know. I am always looking to feed my addiction. :P
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Being Connected
I have been so lucky and so blessed to meet great friends like @InfoSara, Anne Green, Optimom , Holly Pavlika and many others who I don't have the space to name through Twitter. I first started dabbling in Twitter and Social Media because as a media person,, it was my job to stay on top of what was going on and nothing had more going on than Social Media.
I'll be the first to admit that I didn't get Twitter in the beginning. (and am willing to admit that the person I followed was Kim Kardashian..I know, I know) So I followed celebrities but for the most part, none followed me back (except for Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt but we'll save that story for another day)
Thankfully I quickly got bored of them all, and searched for people while semi-like me were smarter, stronger, & that I learned so much from. Twitter is a place where people are different and you can always find someone like you or at least will say something nice when you`re having a bad day. Trust me, ask for some good vibes on a bad day and see the response you get.
Last fall, when I quit my job 2 conferences were happening; Blissdom Canada & She`s Connected At the time I was insanely jealous as I read the tweets of women supporting & learning from each other but also learning how to support their dreams and families with their passion. This was one of the most important things I learned from their conference tweets & blog posts. We all know that following your passion is always amazing but you know what is even more amazing. Getting to fulfill your passion and get paid for it. (Can I get a woohoo!)
So of course when the Blissdom Canada tix went on sale I snapped one up, which was lucky as they sold our in 90 mins, and on Tuesday was thrilled to discover that I was selected to attend She`s Connected (WOOT WOOT!) I am both thrilled and terrified to meet all these women and have dusted off the treadmill & started researching outfit choices.
I think when it comes to getting paid, we as women tend to play down the value we have and discount it as just a `hobby` or `something to do while the kids nap` but in truth brands WANT & NEED us. More and more, they are competing in an increasingly crowded space for the attention of consumers. I am happy to report that thanks to the team at She`s Connected and Blissdom we are finally getting the recognition we deserve.
So thanks to both Blissdom Canada & She`s Connected - can`t wait to see you both this fall!
P.S. If you do want to attend She`s Connected click the badge on the right and apply. Newbies, Oldies, big-time bloggers, small-time bloggers, all are welcome. Heck, if they invited me it just proves there is a chance for everybody :P
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sorry it has been so long but believe it or not, I have actually been playing outside this month! Gasp!
You see this is the first summer in the past 12 years that I have actually gotten a tan without going on a true vacation. Sad but true.
We have spent afternoons at the park, breakfasts outside, & dinners by candlelight and it has been Awe-some. It has been good for me, good for Max and good as our family as a whole. I have been able to worry just a little bit less about what is to come and just enjoy the moment. Isn't that what summer is all about anyways?
I have way more to say on this but a certain someone needs "Night, Night Hop" read to them just one more time......
PS. In all seriousness, I have been severely neglecting the blog but all that will change in August, I promise! Girl Guides Honour (OK so was never a Girl Guide and that's a whole other post but you know what I mean, right?)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Canada Day Mississauga!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Free Chillers at Second Cup - Thursday June 30th!

Well you are in luck today, because Second Cup is offering free 4 oz samples of their chillers today (June 30th) including 5 limited edition flavours;
White Chocolate Chiller - deliciously decadent white chocolate, smooth, thick and cool. The ultimate patio drink for the white chocolate fan.
White Mocha Chiller - Sweet and smooth white chocolate for the coffee lover.
This Chiller combines our hand crafted, Rainforest Alliance Certified™
espresso (made fresh with every drink) with our decadent white chocolate.
Raspberry Tea Chiller - Creamy and sweet raspberry flavours with a subtle
floral tea note. Widberry Iced Tea - summer berries and Rainforest
Alliance Certified™ black tea
AND even better, Second Cup has launched Chiller Tuesdays where you can enjoy your fave medium sized Chiller for only $2.95 (plus tax) every Tuesday to August 30, 2011
Happy Chilling! :)
Disclaimer: I was not compensated in any way for this post, I just love Iced Coffee and want you to love it too. :P
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Choose Your Playground Battles Wisely
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Because Every Mother Deserves A Mother's Day
- There is one maternal death every 90 seconds today?
- 15% of all pregnancies result in complications during labor and delivery and sometimes are fatal?
- For every woman who dies in childbirth, 20 more suffer from debilitating complications. Which also means that several complications go uncounted and lives are forever impacted?
- We have the knowledge to prevent 90% of all maternal deaths?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thank you Princess Di
Friday, April 22, 2011
Five Blogs I like to Follow Friday
- Enjoying The Small Things Kelle Hampton is one of those amazing artists who can truly make you feel like you know her and her family by her posts. Her daughter Nella's birth story is one of those posts you have to read at home alone and when you have an hour or so to fully digest it and have a good sob session.
- Mom Without A Map Sarah is a blogger that I can totally relate to. Our sons are around the same age and I feel like whatever I am going through she seems to write a post at just the right time.
- Fearless Formula Feeder Regardless of where you fall on the Boob/Bottle spectrum, I find her posts refreshing, well researched, and extremely supportive of all mothers. Her Fridays feature a different story every week on each mother's decision/battle/struggle on feeding their baby is powerful and reminds us that behind every mother there's a story to hear.
- How to Survive Life in the Suburbs Love this blog, she can write about issues both big and small and I love that am entertained with both kinds of posts. As a fellow suburban mom, I feel like she gets me and she has great balance between her roles as a mom, wife, and woman. Plus, she is uber-supportive and nice to new bloggers. :)
- Suburban Bliss This blog isn't shy about being honest about motherhood and even the occasional drink on a playdate which is why I love it. She doesn't sugarcoat and stands up for herself.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A-Z About Me
A-Z Meme
A. Age: 36. Gah, am closer to 40 than 30...what in the?
B. Bed size: King. Both DH and I need our space.
C. Chore you dislike: Laundry, it never ends
D. Dogs: None now, but did have Duke a beagle terrier mix who was the best dog ever!
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee of course and a snuggle from Max
F. Favorite color: If you asked me, I would say purple but I always wear black
G. Gold or silver: Silver, always
H. Height: 5' 6"
I. Instruments you play(ed): None, unless a one handed version of Jingle Bells counts
J. Job title: Mom/Wife/Daughter/Sister/Friend/Twitter-Lover
K. Kids: One gorgeous, amazing, funny, sweet, drives me crazy son named Max who is 2.
L. Live: In Canada, near the big bad Toronto
M. Mom’s name: Elsa, she hates her name
N. Nicknames: None :P
O. Overnight hospital stays: Only twice once to have my tonsils taken out and the other to push a baby out. Let's just say its not fair you only get ice cream & get put under when two grape size objects are taken out and not when you are expected to push out a 9lbs, 1 oz baby out of your vagina.
P. Pet peeves: Cheapness, Arrogance, & people who cut in line
Q. Quote from a movie: "Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want". - Heath Ledger, 10 Things I Hate About You All women should put this on their mirrors
R. Righty or Lefty: Lefty!
S. Siblings: One older brother
T. Time you wake up: Whenever Max does unfotunately
U. Underwear: Always
V. Vegetables you don’t like: None, really but if you asked Max on the other hand.....
W. What makes you run late: Oh everything, Max, Max hiding my phone, Max being hungry, Max being cranky, Max being tired,....notice a theme here?
X. X-rays you’ve had: None, actually.
Y. Yummy food you make: I make an awesome banana bread & seafood linguine
Z. Zoo Animal Favourites: The Lions of course, they are the bad-a**es of the zoo
Ok, so let's open this up since this is all about me, any questions out there? I promise to answer them all.
Happy Thursday everyone!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
"Together" is in the Eye of the Beholder
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Getting Over Having It All
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Things I wish I knew in High School
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dating Advice from a Mom in the Suburbs
So they listen to you and offer sage advice ("call him/no don't call him/wait 3 days/wait 5 days/call him only for booty calls/I'll crank call him and see if he answers") and what happens to that sizzling date -- It.Never.Happens.Again. Why? It's because you took advice from a single person. Why is that important you say? Well, if they knew the secret to this whole dating thing - then they wouldn't be single.
Do you get medical advice from someone who still hasn't graduated medical school but they've been trying really hard for 10 years, of couse not you go to a graduated, certified with paperwork MD. That's why all you fabulous chicks/guys - the person you need dating advice from is someone who is already married. They knew enough about the dating scene to wade through all the duds and find the one person who thinks that they are awesome enough to want to share a bathroom with them and all of life's other grossness with them.
I have a whole group of smart, successful, beautiful, accomplished and overall uber-fabulous friends who just can't find the right person and since I now live in the burbs with the cutest husband , let's call him DH (Dear Husband) and toddler, Max. I can't make those Sunday Morning brunches (insert le sigh here) I will write about how I made it through the many (and I mean many) duds and found my own "Lobster". (thank you "Friends")
These are the things I would say to my friends when they call if my toddler didn't threaten to throw themselves down the stairs, swallow marbles, and destroy the sofa the minute I turned my head.
So I know I am about a zillion years late to the blog party but I hope you find my stories, tips, and advice helpful because although I think being single is fabulous it always helps to have someone around you thinks you are as fabulous as you know you are.