Monday, March 7, 2011

Dating Advice from a Mom in the Suburbs

So who should you take dating advice from?

That's right singletons, I am talking to you.

When you have that great date, which ends in a fabulous make out session (or more) and then you agonize about whether he/she will call you again - who is usually on the other side of the brunch table? That's right it's your single best friend/main mo. Why? They usually have the time (and need) for eggs benedict and Caesar's (cause I'm Canadian and that's what we drink when we are so hungover we can't take off our sunglasses in the diner) .

So they listen to you and offer sage advice ("call him/no don't call him/wait 3 days/wait 5 days/call him only for booty calls/I'll crank call him and see if he answers") and what happens to that sizzling date -- It.Never.Happens.Again. Why? It's because you took advice from a single person. Why is that important you say? Well, if they knew the secret to this whole dating thing - then they wouldn't be single.

Do you get medical advice from someone who still hasn't graduated medical school but they've been trying really hard for 10 years, of couse not you go to a graduated, certified with paperwork MD. That's why all you fabulous chicks/guys - the person you need dating advice from is someone who is already married. They knew enough about the dating scene to wade through all the duds and find the one person who thinks that they are awesome enough to want to share a bathroom with them and all of life's other grossness with them.

I have a whole group of smart, successful, beautiful, accomplished and overall uber-fabulous friends who just can't find the right person and since I now live in the burbs with the cutest husband , let's call him DH (Dear Husband) and toddler, Max. I can't make those Sunday Morning brunches (insert le sigh here)
I will write about how I made it through the many (and I mean many) duds and found my own "Lobster". (thank you "Friends")

These are the things I would say to my friends when they call if my toddler didn't threaten to throw themselves down the stairs, swallow marbles, and destroy the sofa the minute I turned my head.

So I know I am about a zillion years late to the blog party but I hope you find my stories, tips, and advice helpful because although I think being single is fabulous it always helps to have someone around you thinks you are as fabulous as you know you are.

I hope to make this a regular feature because first I need to write something that my non-mom friends will find interesting and second, because I'm bossy and I love telling other people what to do with their lives. Wait? Does that make me a smug married?

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