Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Getting Over Having It All

"Having It All" is the line we are treated to when we are in school.

Of course you can! Want a super-career/big house in the suburbs/gorgeous and equally successful husband/2.5 kids/clean house/fabulous social life sure why not?

I think we get fooled into thinking that if we do not have all these items neatly checked off we are somehow failing and the massive self-help section at my local chain bookstore seems to support this notion.

I've been thinking about this over the past few months as I have felt like one of those who couldn't "hack it" since but instead of focusing on what I gave up I have realized what I have gained such as this moment.

This was taken in the middle of a weekday which never, ever would have happened before. I got to enjoy a moment of just pure Fun for no reason. (Which we all know is the best kind....) and I am finally realizing that this is where I may not have wanted to be but is where I need to be.

I think the myth of "Having it all" never lets us enjoy the present, we are always doing the mental checklist and always finding it and ourselves somehow lacking as a mother/wife/friend/sister/daughter/employee/boss and whatever other hat we wear throughout the day.
I think it is OK to focus on some roles more than others at times. Babies won't be babies forever (although if you would have told me that when Max was three months and I hadn't showered in 5 days I would likely have punched you.) and you won't get certain opportunities ever again so it is OK to let some roles take more importance at times. We are not failures for doing this but rather human. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to your best friend if she asked what you thought.

So what do I think, can we have it all?

Yes, I think we can have it all, but not all at the same time. So take what life throws at you and run with it, you may never get the chance again.

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